Presentations and Awards


2022, March 4

NCTIES Conference, Better 2gether

Pair Together and Get More Funding, Co-Presented with Sara Levin (Media Coordinator at Kinston High School)

Participants will be involved in a collaborative brainstorming session complete with poster paper and sticky notes, to identify why they need grant funds and which type of grants will best suit them. 

Pairing Digital Citizenship with Social & Emotional Learning, Co-Presented with Sara Levin 

This session will focus on how SEL initiatives can be supported through digital citizenship instruction. Using the NC Standard Course of Study for Digital Learning - Grades K-12, participants will be led in activities that can be used to teach students about the correlation between social media, their mental health, and safety while developing healthy digital habits. Participants will engage in social media using their devices while examining their own digital habits.

2022, February 17

NCSLMA 2022 Winter Tune-Up, Recharge… Renew… Retool

Saying No to Yes 

Our days are full of small tasks and little "asks" that make the job interesting. These tasks can easily build up and overwhelm our time.  Discover why you say "yes" and the consequences. Create strategies for setting limits, expectations, and goals that will help you to become more productive and fulfilled in your work through this interactive session. (Virtual, Live)

Mentioned in March 2022 Monthly NCSLMA Newsletter, President’s Corner Jenny Umbarger, NCSLMA President

2021, October 7

NCSLMA 2021 Annual Conference, Reflect, Refocus, Reconnect, & Rejuvenate

The Importance of Mentorship to School Library Media Coordinators Co-Presented with Sara Levin (Virtual, Pre-recorded)

Many new media coordinators do not qualify for beginning teacher support since they are often experienced teachers stepping into a new role. As a result, they are not assigned mentors which can result in feelings of isolation and confusion. In this session, we will reflect on the benefits of having a mentor, the importance of having a district mentorship plan for media coordinators, and what mentoring looked like for us.


NCSLMA 2017 Annual Conference

Carving Out Collaboration Co-Presented with Melissa Light (Media Coordinator at Hunters Creek Middle School)


2015 Hunters Creek Middle School Humanitarian Award